The Symbian Blog

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One Month With The Nokia N95!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on May 20, 2007

 Nokia N95

Okay, so here goes the first post of my blog!!! The reason I picked the N95 to talk about is simple, it’s my current obsession! So here goes how I feel after one month with the N95!! So here goes! This write up covers area such as Build Quality, The Multimedia Segment, The Camera, Web Browser, Gallery Application, The GPS and a General Overview of the entire phone!

I thought I was lucky when my plum N95 out of the box didn’t suffer from the sideways movement in the slide, no wobbles as such too. The only movement was .2 mm upwards on a little push, that’s understandable. However after about a week there appeared a gap between the slides. Now when I press the ‘c’ button or thereabout the phone makes a click sound when the two parts brush against each other.
My suggestion to all those planning to get it is, be prepared for the wobbles n stuff, so that once u get the phone in case there’s a slight one u wont b disappointed n if there’s no you’ll b really glad!
Me and a friend had got it together, his had just a little very little, sideways movement noticeable only if u are hyper sensitive n know that some phones have it, he didn’t even feel it. The build quality in general is pretty good. The plastic feel people talk about is more pronounced in the sand version in my opinion; the plum is just fine, but then again personal preferences! (For Nokia: This no way means I wouldn’t want improvements!) There is also a slight issue with light leaking from the sides, thing doesn’t really bother me much however if light can escape that means dust can also enter so that’s a kinda negative. The keypad is really good, I could manage pretty decent speeds over T9 and I don’t think ppl who use it for casual text entry will need a BT keyboard. The menu key, call end key etc will take a little getting used to. Some of them are really small, I feel pretty awkward pressing the ‘c’ key specially as I feel that the top will get creaky n a play will further develop (The gap feeling between the two levels of the phone when closed might become more) however now after a few weeks its stable at a slight gap!

Well after reading the music reviews and stuff I was expecting it to b real good! However I was a little disappointed here. The loudspeakers are great, nice reproduction especially guitar music sounds really nice. The supplied headset is what disappointed me, for such a high end phone. I had really liked the N91 headphones.
The remote works great and is a must have IMO so u can keep the N95 in the pocket n protect it from dust. Also when u use the music player, turn loudness on also use stereo widening also make a equalizer present of ur own. That really helps. In case u have a 3rd party handset lying around that’ll just be great, I used the headset from my ipod, now the music really rocks n I’m pretty pleased!!
The FM works really well, no disturbances at all, nice n loud thru the headphones, nice bass element too. What is bad is the volume thru the loudspeakers, its really low with the FM dunno know why, apart from that great.   

I found the camera to be excellent for a casual photo enthusiast like me, yes its a lil slow processing but gets n job done! The flash revelation for me, it was really good for a LED! The UI is rich an intuitive the options u get n the feel of the N95 makes it seem to b a dedicated digicam at times! (The new Firmware v is not yet available for some product codes improves the camera quality and also makes the interface snappier!) The video is what blows u away; it is indeed excellent if u don’t pan around too much n keep zoom fiddle to a minimum, the result u get is awesome for someone who’s not had the N93/i before. I can stress how pleased i was with it! Stunning is the word for it, really good! What wonders phones can do! Even playing SRE (the preloaded 3D game on the N95) on the TV was cool! The pixilation in the non video mode is very bearable. The video via the default Real Player can be viewed at 640 x 480 resolutions on the TV screen and it can even be a part time DVD player replacement! (More on that in another post!)

As u all may know works like a real treat! Almost any n everything is accessible! So far no out of memory errors! However did get one while using the gallery n TV out. If

ur coming from a really ram starved phone, it’ll b pretty cool! It cannot really handle flash that well though. Websites like orkut work like a treat!
The one thing that irritates me is the default bookmarks they’ve put n some of which i couldn’t delete too!

Ur own bookmarks go way down then, bad!

My first connection to the GPS was under 30 seconds!!! Amazing but after that I haven’t been that lucky at all! The maps for

India are pathetic so say the least. No real use for them IMO, just very basic highways n stuff plus airports. Mumbai is the only place they are of any use!
Waiting for an update hope that happens soon!!

The gallery is better than the previous ones, the pics n vids load much faster. However i still would prefer a different gallery for the images and the videos. The direct access to editors (both video n Picture) is a nice touch.
The photos too look great specially when viewed as a slide show, the pan and zoom effect rocks!

Alright, the question that has been the bane of the N95! I too feel the pinch of the lack of a stronger battery, but for that the phone does, and does brilliantly at that I really don’t care as long as I get thru the day with a little to spare as backup in case of contingencies! This generally is the case if u leave the house with phone fully charged in the morning. Web browsing is very draining, the most is video recording.

The USB was a breeze! N the Bluetooth 2 EDR also helps. The max speed I got was 5.5 mb in 45 seconds i.e. about 122 kbps. Wifi also works without a hitch, however in places where u have low signal it becomes a bit of a problem, with reboots happening! 

The N95 is the phone to have!! I’m glad i got it, while paying up for it I was a little skeptical whether i’ll b happy later on when i do buy it, now i know the answer is in the affirmative!
But do protect the screen by all means!
The phone ships with a really nice 95 case and a screen protector. The screen protector is a little small, resulting in a small exposed surface in the bottom of the screen that is a really great place for dust to accumulate. I’m still thinking what to do about it… May b another screen protector on top it? Lets c! And one more thing about complaints of hanging/reboots in phones specially Nokia Nseries. Since these phones run an operating system it is bound to be err in some conditions! Windows hangings all the time so please cut the N95 a little slack and enjoy u’r multimedia computer to the fullest! For prospective buyers it’s a do not miss deal especially after the price dip!   

10 Responses to “One Month With The Nokia N95!”

  1. Sharon said

    I’ve been drooling over the N95 since I first saw it. My upgrade is due in three weeks and, after reading this and other reviews, I can’t wait. I have always been pleased with my N80 but love the idea of a better camera and being able to use my Sennheiser headphones instead of the Nokia ones. Thanks for sharing.

  2. My pleasure mate! B rest assured, if you can manage the battery part, you wont regret it!!

  3. Fone Freak said

    I had just got mines today and so far loving it! I got the sand color it is so cool.. I so have been waiting for this phone feels like a life time! But from what I had seen and played with the phone it great and who has one will love IT.. It got great features and really easy t use, I have a few of the N series phones and never been disappointed “AT ALL” I will always keep up with them. I Just wanted to share with all those cell phone lovers out there!

  4. I’m sure a lot of us feel exactly the same way mate! 😉

  5. Kevin said

    I’m considering the phone, but would love to synch my Outlook contacts in it. Does anyone know how the device or PC Suite plays with Outlook? Anyone use Yahoo mail?

  6. PC suite should be able to handle the outlook contacts with ease. Yahoo mail doesnt have free POP access, so i’m using Gmail instead, which works well with inbuilt application. There are better third party solutions available though!

  7. Kevin said

    Thanks for the quick reply. I pay for Yahoo so I can send emails using my own domain’s email addresses anyway so that might be an option too. Worst case would be a Outlook -> Yahoo sync and then looking up contacts in the phone via yahoo.

  8. Kevin said

    Think I’ll download PC Suite and try a sync with Outlook 2007 run on Vista…

  9. Pawan Mahabir said

    I ordered mine today!!! I should get it in a week! Reading all these reviews and your very informative blogs is getting me even more excited! I can’t wait!!!!

  10. Congrats on ur new phone pal! Thats a good buy!

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