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Archive for May 25th, 2007

Pimp Your N95!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on May 25, 2007

 Pimp The N95!

Update: Pimp Your N95 – 2 is here!

We all have our N95’s safely in our possession, the out of box experience is great, there are a few good bundled in applications but should we stop at that? Shouldn’t we strive for more out of that awesome gadget? After all its a symbian 60 device and the best part about that is customisation! From adding features to changing the complete look of the device it can do it all! But do we? Some of us symbian lovers do, how about the people who are new to the OS? In this post i look at some of the additions we can make to get that little more out of the phone… Err ‘multimedia computer’ as Nokia calls it! For that matter i think it deserves to be called that too!

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