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Archive for May 29th, 2007

Using The Built In IM Client!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on May 29, 2007

From my first Symbian phone, I’ve always wondered why is the IM application built in if it is of no use! Never have I got it to work, till now!


The question is why do we even need it?

The reason is that I always somehow tend to prefer the built in applications over the 3rd party ones. We have a number of Instant Messaging applications that have been available over the years. The best I’ve ever used was Agile Messenger. Other alternatives are IM+, Fring etc. The problem with Agile and IM+ is that they are paid applications! Fring is free but lacks the yahoo option! Also there are certain difficulties that I faced while using Fring. While using the IM client in it and typing, if I happened to receive an IM from my pal at the other end, what I was typing is gone! Now that sometimes becomes quite a nuisance!

Enter the default client! Its surprising simple to setup and use! It gives us the option to use Yahoo, ICQ, MSN & AIM.

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