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Archive for June, 2007

Capture 3D Images With Your Phone!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on June 3, 2007

Here‘s a really awesome post that links to an application that allows us to click/create 3D photographs from our very own cellphone cameras! Quite amazin to have the perception of depth in an image. There’s just one piece missing in the puzzle, as is with 3D one needs special specs to view it in its true glory!


Essentially it’s a J2ME application that allows us to create our own mobile 3D anaglyph photos using the mobile phone camera by taking two slightly offset pictures with the result separated into red and cyan colour planes.

Another nice part about the application is that it is supported in a number of formats because of it being in java. To add to it, the author has made available specially optimsed versions for the landscape mode or phones with lower resolution cameras.

Basically, m3Dcam should work on phones supporting Java (J2ME MIDP 2.0 and CDLC 1.1) which allows camera access through J2ME (MMAPI camera support). E.g. S60 v3 Devices like the N95, N73. S60 v2 Devices. You may be able to use J2ME Polish’s device database to determine if your handset is compatible.

Click here to DOWNLOAD!

Via – Symbiak-Freak (There’s a nice explanation written too!)

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Posted in Applications, News, Nokia N95 | Leave a Comment »

Bluetooth As A Proximity Badge!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on June 1, 2007

Today seems to be a what if this could be done day! After my previous post on a Bluetooth Mouse, this one again presents a challenge to the 3rd Party Application Developers! But if you own a Linux PC/Laptop you needn’t wait!

Using this method, explained here, Linux users can already use there phone as a proximity sensor for their Laptop or PC; meaning thereby that as soon as your bluetooth phone goes out of range the system locks itself! As soon as you come in range it unlocks! Cool!

Now our very own Salling Clicker can already do this! At least partly! It can lock the system as the proximity increases but it fails to unlock! However a downloadable script for it is available which allows the system to be unlocked too! But the problem is that the method is not secure! The author of the script clearly says that this is a security risk! More about Salling Clicker here.

He points out that:

“This script will have your windows logon credentials stored in plain text on your PC and has a service running that can interact with your desktop. Neither of these are very good things. You can lock down the directory storing the script using NTFS permissions if it is in the “my scripts” folder in “my documents”, but it also creates a temporary file containing your credentials for the duration of the script execution (a second or two when you enter proximity). Install and use at your own peril.”

Now this is a workable solution but the security risk keeps nagging you! What i’m asking is can’t a 3rd Party Developer do this securely? I’m sure a lot of people will be queing up for this sort of application! What do you guys think??

Trackback URL is here.

Posted in Ideas, Nokia N95, Symbian | 1 Comment »

Bluetooth Mouse On A Smartphone!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on June 1, 2007

I found this really interesting! Teksoftco with their new BlueMouse software will allow users of Windows Mobile(Alas!) to pair their existing Bluetooth Mouse with a WinMo device and use it to mouse away to glory! On a small windows mobile phone screen, i dont’t know how useful will it be?! But the thing that hit me was what if we we had such a software for our very own TV out capable Symbian phones!

Blue Mouse

Now this would be being ‘Truly Wireless’! Instead of the need to sit close to the TV so as to control the phone, we can sit back and relax!

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Ideas, News, Symbian | 3 Comments »