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Archive for July, 2007

Pimp Your N95 – v2!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on July 17, 2007

Pimp Your N95 v2! 

It has been a long long time since the Pimp Your N95 post. I was partially at work, traveling amongst other things. Didn’t have access to a computer for long periods… the works! However, I’m glad to say, I’m finally back and have the honor to present Pimp Your N95 – 2! Continuing from where i left off, here are a few more applications that deserve space on our precious smartphones, particularly the N95! I have tried to restrict myself to freeware applications and only two out of the eleven mentoned here are commercial apps! Loads of credit to the freeware application developers for making such high quality stuff! Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Applications, Nokia N95, Symbian | 41 Comments »