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Archive for August, 2007

Live N81 And N95 8GB Pics!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on August 29, 2007

The Nokia N95 8GB – Up, Close & Personal!



More Pictures of both phones right here:

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Posted in N81, N95 8GB, News, S40 | 17 Comments »

Should You Get The N95?

Posted by vaibhavlaw on August 28, 2007

Nokia N95

The N95 has been out for almost 5 months now. The price has fallen considerably from somewhere around 650€ to about 490€ nowadays, sim-free in India. The firmware has matured, AGPS has been added which has improved GPS performance to a large extent, however they are still a few minor bugs with the current v12 firmware but nothing substantial. In this write-up I and Jamal Abid talk about why should you get the N95 or abstain from doing so.

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Posted in Miscellaneous, N95 8GB, Nokia N95, Reviews, Symbian | 40 Comments »

The Nokia N95 Classic – Black!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on August 27, 2007

 Nokia N95 Classic - Black!

I have always thought that a black N95 would be awesome, however the styling on the Nokia N95 8GB has disappointed me a little. I don’t really like the smaller Menu & Multimedia keys and the lack of cover for the camera. For those (including me) who only want it to be black yet with the same shape here is a solution. The phone looks great, but protruding silver at places completely mars it at times. I’m hoping for an all black housing soon, specially the keypad!

Jump over here to have a look.

N95 Classic Black.jpg

Via – SymbianWorld.

Trackback URL is here.

Posted in N95 8GB, Nokia N95 | 1 Comment »

Tagged! Five Blogs I Read!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on August 27, 2007

I got tagged by, which is a German blog, as part of a blogger’s game. This one is about naming 5 blogs one reads and each one has to be from a different country then the people who’re tagged, tag others! I was tagged on the 19th but got a little stuck with the translators, anyway here goes:


– Name 5 blogs in different countries that you read
– Tag 5 bloggers

Blogs I read:

– Jan van Iperen‘s Nokia N95 Blog (Netherlands)

Mark Guim‘s The Nokia Blog (USA)

Michael Hell‘s The Nokian Blog (Austria)

Stefan Constantinescu on IntoMobile (Finland)

Teo’s Symbian-Freak (Croatia)

I sure did want to add more, specially Symbian-Guru, however those were the five blogs that first came to my mind.

 Trackback URL is here.

Posted in Announcements, Miscellaneous | Leave a Comment »

Hands On With The ‘Nokla N95′

Posted by vaibhavlaw on August 26, 2007

 Nokla N95

The NokLa N95. We have all heard of it, seen photos and have been impressed by the ability of the Chinese manufacturers to mimic the big brands. Jamal Abid today had the chance today to actually use the NokLa N95 phone for a while and has a few thoughts to share about it.

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Posted in Miscellaneous, Nokia N95, Reviews | 31 Comments »

Nokia N95 – 8GB Becomes Official!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on August 21, 2007

Nokia N95 - 8GB

Another FCC posting had led to the N95 8GB becoming official! There are a few design tweaks with the screen possibly becoming larger. The multi-media keys have become a little elevated. The microSD card slot has most likely given way to 8GB of internal flash storage. The camera’s shutter has been reworked to allow space for a 1200 mAh battery and there will no longer be a protective cover for the camera.

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Posted in Announcements, N95 8GB, News, Nokia N95, Symbian | 5 Comments »

The Shutter Sound Is Mute!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on August 20, 2007


Finally! I’m glad to say now we can finally turn the flash and the sound completely off while taking a picture from our S60 3rd edition phones. Chua Welic has released a freeware which will allow us to do exactly that!  

cCam (pronounced “see-cam”) is a camera capture program that runs on S60 phones, allows us to click pictures with no shutter sound and no flash light! It saves the captured images to default memory card image directory.

It also features an option to set the focus range and a link to take us to the gallery.

DOWNLOAD! Version – 1.01

Note: While testing on the Nokia N95 i’m glad to say there was no sound, however the red led does light up for a micro second!

Trackback URL is here.

Posted in Applications, Camera, News, Nokia N95, Symbian | 1 Comment »

The Complete How To: MAPS-GPS!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on August 19, 2007


The Nokia N95 and other GPS equipped smartphones can do far more with the GPS than waltz around the maps application and showing off our current GPS position to our friends. It is a great help in planning routes to somewhere and the maps available even respect traffic laws like one way roads! However when you start to use the GPS-MAPS for the first time, things arn’t that easy on the surface and take a little getting used to. In this writeup guest author Jamal Abid explains all the things we’ll need to know before we can put the GPS to real world use!

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Posted in Nokia N95, Reviews, Symbian, Tutorials, Tweaks | 3 Comments »

$10,000 For Anyone Who Can Help Identify People Behind The Mobile-Review Takedown

Posted by vaibhavlaw on August 17, 2007

M-R Takedown

As you all may know popular website Mobile-Review has been down for the past few days because of a Denial of Service attack. The initial reasoning behind the entire thing was that iphone fanboys were at its root as Eldar had labelled it as “Just Another Fashion Phone”. However, days after the attack begun it has almost become clear that something much bigger is happening and as Eldar can use your help in trying to find the culprits behind the shameful act. An award of $10,000 has been offered to the person or group of people who can track the source of these attacks. Eldar in his open letter calls this attack forced censorship on the freedom on the Internet and has asked for support. 

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WiFi Without Routers!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on August 14, 2007


Have you ever heard of the application called GNUBOX which helps you use your laptop/desktop’s internet on the phone via Bluetooth? It’s quite a lengthy process and most people generally give up trying. However there is a much easier way to share the internet and make it available for our wifi enabled phone. Now, while you can buy a router and make this infinitely easier, guest author Jamal Abid decided to do it the harder way, WiFi connectivity without any router and in the process helped me and i hope a lot of others save money. I dont know if you already know how to get this thing working, but those of you (like me) who didn’t know, what follws is a pretty detailed tutorial.

In this write up he explains how to quickly and conveniently set up internet sharing without the need of any complicated applications or a WiFi router. It is nothing complex, just a series of very simple steps you need to follow exactly.

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Posted in Ideas, Nokia N95, Symbian, Tutorials, Tweaks, WiFi | 9 Comments »