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Archive for August 11th, 2007

The N95 – Getting Things Into Perspective!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on August 11, 2007

The N95 Black! 

Even after months of the N95’s release the hype surrounding the ‘multimedia computer’ refuses to die down… Well how could it, with Nokia working so hard to keep it that way!

Symbian Guru and Darla Mack both have the scoop on an upcoming US 3G N95 which scores well above its Euro/Asian brother, the original N95. With a 1200 mAh battery, redesigned multimedia keys and a whopping 128MB of RAM the N95-2 is sure to cause heart break to all existing N95 owners.

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Posted in N95 8GB, News, Nokia N95, Rants, Symbian | 12 Comments »