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Run a WebOS From Your S60 Browser

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 18, 2007

I am not a very WebOS person, however I am open to trying out new applications. Anuj from the N95 Community mentioned running Glide, a WebOS on the N95 I decided to give it a shot. Websites like Google are doing a pretty decent job syncing our content over the web through various applications like calender being accessible on the mobile. However a WebOS promises a complete experience and well, delivers in some cases!


Glide comes with all the essentials built-in such as Office applications Write (Word-like) and Present (Powerpoint-like), blog publishing, music, video players, and photos viewer with alternate thumbnail view support that makes you feel that it’s a complete OS. A toned down version of all of these accessible from the phone.

Although the main site in in flash, the registration link works well in the S60 browser and I was able to register from the mobile itself. Glide supports a various mobile operating systems. After logging in this was the screen I got.


Various everyday applications like email, calender, contacts, bookmarks, chat, photos, videos that are integral to us are also here. The free account gives 2GB worth of storage for any files you may want to upload.



The on mobile Documents applications lets us create & save documents and download, if needed. It even allows editing and exporting the document to a variety of formats.


MusicReal Player Streaming

But what really caught my eye was the streaming option. They have some featured content ready to stream and plus we can stream any of the music we uploaded. Same with videos! I am considering using the 2GB entirely for this purpose. Having instant access to my music anywhere from almost any device is great.



The archive for photos is also impressive! It gives you the ability to apply effects to your images on the fly and there are loads of effects to choose from.

Contacts, Calender & Bookmarks


Once you import all your contacts over, it works really well. Options to edit and download the contact as a vCard also exist. Import of Contacts and calendar from Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, the Windows Address book, and your bookmarks from Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox is supported. You can also add any of these online too.

The above are just a few of the features I have been able to try and too not compltely as I wanted to share this as soon as possible. Its 5:30 in the morning and I haven’t slept all night, so in case this looks messed up please bear with me.

The practical utility of such a service is questionable, but one thing for sure, what it does it, does really well. There are somethings the limited processing power of the phones cannot do and here is a service that can supplement them well. It is definately worth a shot. Do share your experiences.

The Glide Mobile Site Link is here.

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6 Responses to “Run a WebOS From Your S60 Browser”

  1. Anuj said

    Vaibhav…. great review man…I hadn’t tried out all the features! will do right away!

  2. 60things said

    Thanks a lot for the link! Will check it out.

  3. […] Glide runs within your browser on a number of platforms, including of course your trusty Nseries. The OS has all the features you’d expect such as office applications and media players and accounts even include 2Gb of free storage from which you can, for example, stream music – something Vaibhav thinks is very neat! […]

  4. Fernando said

    Which theme is this?

  5. It is one of the best themes i’ve come across. Its called Borderline and is by giambi. You can get it here:

  6. […] Run a WebOS From Your S60 Browser Sweet way to extend your desktop to your phone […]

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