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Multitasking: Multiple Windows In The S60 Browser

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 20, 2007

The user manual for the N95 says that it can open multiple windows in the browser but even after three firmwares I am yet to see that option materialise. However what the latest v20 firmware has done, is give the N95 a decent ammount of free RAM. Under the old circumstances I never really dreamed of managing multiple windows on the browser, however things have changed and we are in a position to do so. I sucessfully opened four websites including AAS, Symbian-Guru, WOM World, The Symbian Blog. When I tried opening the heaviest of them all Intomobile, it did load but after a while the other four crashed! However the max anyone will open is about theree, which is just fine.

Four Windows Open

For the other devices too, such as the N82, N81 and the others with decent ammount of RAM already, multiple windows on high speed wifi/3G connections is something practical. There are two methods I have been using to open multiple windows, here’s a rundown of both of them.

Using the Web Feeds Option

– Launch the browser and open a website as you normally would.

– Goto the web feeds option in the bookmarks and open any feed you may have subscribed to. (If not then simply goto a website of your choosing which has a feed, press the Left Softkey and select Subsribe and the name of the feed. It will then show up in your list of feeds and just refresh it once.)


– Now open any post from that feed and select the “Full Article” option. This will open the post in a new window.


– Simply stop the page from loading and proceed to open any site you wish to.

– To switch between open windows, just press ‘5’ and use the navi pad to select.

Switch Windows

A maximum of 5 windows can be opened this way. This is probably the most convenient way of opening multiple windows.

Using the Template

A friend of mine sent me this .htm file which can be used to open new windows. Just set it as you homepage from the settings in the browser and click on the “Open a new window” link to open upto a maximun of 5 windows. It also features direct Google search field and a goto box.

New Window

– To set this up, copy the file to E:/Others with a file manager or any way you choose.

– Lauch the browser and select Options>Bookmarks>Add a Bookmark.

– In the address type “file://localhost/e:/others/NewWindow.htm” and save the bookmark.

Create Bookmark

– Load the bookmark, goto Settings>General>Homepage and select use current.

 Thats it, next time you load the browser this will be displayed. You can also press ‘9’ for the default goto option which remembers history.

I do not know how I end up making the posts seem complicated! But it is actually very easy to do! You can download the .htm file here.

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6 Responses to “Multitasking: Multiple Windows In The S60 Browser”

  1. […] The increased RAM that became available with firmware update v20 has meant it is much easier to juggle multiple web pages, indeed Vaibhav had four on the go at once. In the article, he runs through two different options for opening multiple pages, which might just change the way you browse. […]

  2. Reda said

    Interesting, a lot of people seem to have the same ideas ( I wonder why Nokia does not provide this little hack to its users in one of its blogs

  3. pchadz said

    Have you got idea how to browse files stored in cache folder in N95 memory (offline)
    Have tried to find solution on web but without success.

  4. […] monitor) with 5-10 tabs each, so you can tell I’m really big on multitasking while browsing. Vaibhav over at The Symbian Blog has a killer post on how to easily open multiple windows on your S60 device, provided you have […]

  5. Browsing files from the cache is something i’ve not tried pal. What I usually do is save the webpage from the tools menu for viewing it later. May be this could solve your purpose partly.

  6. pchadz said

    Thanks, usually I do the same and save important webpages but sometime it could be useful to have possibility to browse files in cache (for example when connection to internet is broken and you want to revert to page you have seen a few minutes earlier). Generally I’m looking for “offline browsing” option like in PC browsers.

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