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Archive for the ‘Ideas’ Category

Multitasking: Multiple Windows In The S60 Browser

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 20, 2007

The user manual for the N95 says that it can open multiple windows in the browser but even after three firmwares I am yet to see that option materialise. However what the latest v20 firmware has done, is give the N95 a decent ammount of free RAM. Under the old circumstances I never really dreamed of managing multiple windows on the browser, however things have changed and we are in a position to do so. I sucessfully opened four websites including AAS, Symbian-Guru, WOM World, The Symbian Blog. When I tried opening the heaviest of them all Intomobile, it did load but after a while the other four crashed! However the max anyone will open is about theree, which is just fine.

Four Windows Open

For the other devices too, such as the N82, N81 and the others with decent ammount of RAM already, multiple windows on high speed wifi/3G connections is something practical. There are two methods I have been using to open multiple windows, here’s a rundown of both of them.

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Posted in Eseries, Ideas, N81, N82, N95 8GB, Nokia, Nokia N95, Nseries, Symbian, Tutorials | Tagged: , , | 6 Comments »

Run a WebOS From Your S60 Browser

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 18, 2007

I am not a very WebOS person, however I am open to trying out new applications. Anuj from the N95 Community mentioned running Glide, a WebOS on the N95 I decided to give it a shot. Websites like Google are doing a pretty decent job syncing our content over the web through various applications like calender being accessible on the mobile. However a WebOS promises a complete experience and well, delivers in some cases!


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Posted in Applications, Eseries, Ideas, N81, N82, N95 8GB, Nokia, Nokia N95, Reviews, Symbian | Tagged: , , , | 6 Comments »

Full YouTube On Your S60 v3 Device!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 7, 2007

Youtube On S60 

Yes, you read it correctly! You can now have access to any and I mean any video on youtube or any other flash video based website. There is no longer a need for converters or portals like or the youtube mobile site. Forget them all!

Update: Forget all of this, just look up this post. It is a fully featured YouTube client with no effort involved.

Update: RotateMe wizard Samir has meanwhile released a Youtube player that lets you search for youtube videos and playthen directly on the phone. There’s just one glitch in the beta, you can only search for one word! Really worth a shot. Look here.

In this guide I will list out a few easy steps which will allow you to do so.


1. Flash Lite 3 (Freeware) – Download! (Download if have registered at Adobe Labs or get it after registering from here)

2. Opera – Download!

3. CNPDA Flash Player (Freeware) – Download!

4. A S60v3 Phone e.g. N95, N93, N73, N83, N81, E90, E70 and so on.

Once the above is done with, lets start:

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Posted in Applications, Eseries, Ideas, Miscellaneous, N81, N82, N95 8GB, Nokia, Nokia N95, Symbian, Tutorials | Tagged: , , , , | 13 Comments »

What Would You Like Nokia To Do?

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 6, 2007

Nokia Phones and Smartphones

Nokia had way back in June announced that it was planning a huge reorganisation beginning January 1st 2008, a date that’s now less than a month away. With Nokia World now over, Steve from over at AAS has been pondering how the company is going to integrate the Mobile Phones, Multimedia (i.e. Nseries) and Enterprise (i.e. Eseries) divisions in a workable fashion and what would he do if he was at the helm. I’ve added a few things I’d like to see happening.

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Posted in Eseries, Ideas, Miscellaneous, Nseries, Symbian | Tagged: , , , , | 1 Comment »

The Standby Screen

Posted by vaibhavlaw on November 29, 2007

The Classic Standby Screen Active Standby Screen

Ever since the Active Standby Menu came out in the Nokia 6680/6681 I have been a great fan of this implementation. It started with 5 shortcuts to applications and the calender display. Slowly it graduated to showing the current music track. Next came the current FM station and so on.

Today the N95 Standby screen pictured above, incorporates 6 shortcuts, calender, To-Do, Memo, Search, Music Track info, FM Station and the WiFi Indicator.

I personally prefer clean themes and as a result hardly ever need the screen to be blank for a wallpaper and really like optimum usage of the screen’s real estate. I’m also glad that the message preview a.k.a. the E-Series has not been incorporated into the N-Series, this is because you never know when a message you do not want others to see pops up in the display!

Moreover I just wanted to put up these pictures in PiZero’s Gold Theme, so the post! 😉

Trackback URL is here.

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Android – Will It Make An Impact?

Posted by vaibhavlaw on November 6, 2007

Well, the much anticipated, much hyped Google phone turned out into a completely new operating system called Android that is supposed to be open and free.  Meaning thereby that manufacturers could use it for developing their smartphones without having to pay for or license an OS such as Symbian or WinMo. The idea behind the entire scheme of things is deriving advertising based revenue and thus reducing the cost of the phone. However would this business model really make a difference? Would it actually revolutionarise the way we use phones? Would it be spectacular? The more I think about it, the less convinced I am.

The question on my mind is, how much of an effect will this have on pricing. The absolute maximum amount a manufacturer pays a vendor such as Symbian or Microsoft for their software is not more than 5$-20$ a handset. Now even if Google is not charging this money for the OS, the largest price drop in the cost of a smartphone would be in the same region. Meaning thereby there would not be a substantial price drop.

For a high end smartphone, this is not a difference at all and in my opinion not sufficient for pulling a customer from a company such as Nokia; which is not a part of the Open Handset Alliance. The reliability of a business and the trust a consumer places in a brand would not be overcome so easily. In the high end segment there is enough profit margin, the Nokia N95 on launch was priced somewhere around 900$ now it retails for a mere 600$, all this within 6-7 months of its release. A 300$ dip in profit on each phone and Nokia is still making money on the device. In face of competition the phone could be a little more competitively placed and Nokia and S60 would prove tough to beat.

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Posted in Android, Ideas, Symbian | Tagged: , , , , | 2 Comments »

Controlling Music With A Shake!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on November 6, 2007

The Nokia Blog has this great video up demonstrating another awesome use of the N95’s built in accelerometer.

In the video the N95 emulates a Sony Ericsson W580i and gets shake music control. The creator of this video claims to have done this within 30 minutes! Great work! Why didn’t Nokia not talk about this great feature when Apple was literally screaming with the iPhone (read iHype)! Can we get an updated Music Player in the new firmware Nokia? Please!

Trackback URL is here.

Posted in Ideas, N95 8GB, Nokia N95, Symbian, Tweaks | Tagged: , , , , | 2 Comments »

S60 Wishlist: The Future Beckons!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on September 22, 2007

Series 60

S60 the smart-phone user interface, we have all used it; sometimes we loved it and other times it let us down. But, the true fact is that S60 which sits atop the Symbian operating system is one of the most powerful and user friendly user interfaces available for any smart-phone. The other interfaces like UIQ and Windows Mobile cater to PDAs rather smartphones. PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) are devices with which are data-centered and have telephony as an add-on while smartphones are more telephony-centered with data related features being add-ons. While S60 has a lot of strong points it also has a few shortcomings compared to other interfaces as well as what a smart-phone user wants. This article by Jamal Abid wants to establish a basic wish list for the features that we the S60 users want to included in the next S60 releases by manufacturers world-wide.

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Posted in Ideas, Miscellaneous, Nokia N95, Rants, Symbian | Tagged: , , , | 36 Comments »

WiFi Without Routers!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on August 14, 2007


Have you ever heard of the application called GNUBOX which helps you use your laptop/desktop’s internet on the phone via Bluetooth? It’s quite a lengthy process and most people generally give up trying. However there is a much easier way to share the internet and make it available for our wifi enabled phone. Now, while you can buy a router and make this infinitely easier, guest author Jamal Abid decided to do it the harder way, WiFi connectivity without any router and in the process helped me and i hope a lot of others save money. I dont know if you already know how to get this thing working, but those of you (like me) who didn’t know, what follws is a pretty detailed tutorial.

In this write up he explains how to quickly and conveniently set up internet sharing without the need of any complicated applications or a WiFi router. It is nothing complex, just a series of very simple steps you need to follow exactly.

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Posted in Ideas, Nokia N95, Symbian, Tutorials, Tweaks, WiFi | 9 Comments »

Bluetooth As A Proximity Badge!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on June 1, 2007

Today seems to be a what if this could be done day! After my previous post on a Bluetooth Mouse, this one again presents a challenge to the 3rd Party Application Developers! But if you own a Linux PC/Laptop you needn’t wait!

Using this method, explained here, Linux users can already use there phone as a proximity sensor for their Laptop or PC; meaning thereby that as soon as your bluetooth phone goes out of range the system locks itself! As soon as you come in range it unlocks! Cool!

Now our very own Salling Clicker can already do this! At least partly! It can lock the system as the proximity increases but it fails to unlock! However a downloadable script for it is available which allows the system to be unlocked too! But the problem is that the method is not secure! The author of the script clearly says that this is a security risk! More about Salling Clicker here.

He points out that:

“This script will have your windows logon credentials stored in plain text on your PC and has a service running that can interact with your desktop. Neither of these are very good things. You can lock down the directory storing the script using NTFS permissions if it is in the “my scripts” folder in “my documents”, but it also creates a temporary file containing your credentials for the duration of the script execution (a second or two when you enter proximity). Install and use at your own peril.”

Now this is a workable solution but the security risk keeps nagging you! What i’m asking is can’t a 3rd Party Developer do this securely? I’m sure a lot of people will be queing up for this sort of application! What do you guys think??

Trackback URL is here.

Posted in Ideas, Nokia N95, Symbian | 1 Comment »