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Archive for the ‘N96’ Category

The N96 – Why A N9x Phone?

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 22, 2007

The N96

Its has been 24 hours since the N96 has been leaked and it has managed to generate quite a bit of buzz around the web. I saw the news yesterday but had an exam in the morning so couldn’t really spend time on the device. Since then I have a lot of questions in my mind, even had them bothering me while I was writing the exam! But lets start with what we know about the device or at least think we know:

– Music Centered Device based on the N81-N95 combine.
– A 5MP Camera with dual LEDs and no lens cover.
– Feature Pack 2.
– 2.6/2.8″ Screen. ( I hope is 2.8″)
– All features of the N95 and the audio quality of the N91 plus noise cancellation and 16GB storage may be.
– A provision to make it stand for video consumption.
– A card slot for even more memory!
More shots of the device here.

Now here’s what I think.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in N96, Nokia, Nseries, Rumours, Symbian | Tagged: , , | 2 Comments »