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Archive for the ‘Nokia’ Category

The N96 – Why A N9x Phone?

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 22, 2007

The N96

Its has been 24 hours since the N96 has been leaked and it has managed to generate quite a bit of buzz around the web. I saw the news yesterday but had an exam in the morning so couldn’t really spend time on the device. Since then I have a lot of questions in my mind, even had them bothering me while I was writing the exam! But lets start with what we know about the device or at least think we know:

– Music Centered Device based on the N81-N95 combine.
– A 5MP Camera with dual LEDs and no lens cover.
– Feature Pack 2.
– 2.6/2.8″ Screen. ( I hope is 2.8″)
– All features of the N95 and the audio quality of the N91 plus noise cancellation and 16GB storage may be.
– A provision to make it stand for video consumption.
– A card slot for even more memory!
More shots of the device here.

Now here’s what I think.

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Posted in N96, Nokia, Nseries, Rumours, Symbian | Tagged: , , | 2 Comments »

Multitasking: Multiple Windows In The S60 Browser

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 20, 2007

The user manual for the N95 says that it can open multiple windows in the browser but even after three firmwares I am yet to see that option materialise. However what the latest v20 firmware has done, is give the N95 a decent ammount of free RAM. Under the old circumstances I never really dreamed of managing multiple windows on the browser, however things have changed and we are in a position to do so. I sucessfully opened four websites including AAS, Symbian-Guru, WOM World, The Symbian Blog. When I tried opening the heaviest of them all Intomobile, it did load but after a while the other four crashed! However the max anyone will open is about theree, which is just fine.

Four Windows Open

For the other devices too, such as the N82, N81 and the others with decent ammount of RAM already, multiple windows on high speed wifi/3G connections is something practical. There are two methods I have been using to open multiple windows, here’s a rundown of both of them.

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Posted in Eseries, Ideas, N81, N82, N95 8GB, Nokia, Nokia N95, Nseries, Symbian, Tutorials | Tagged: , , | 6 Comments »

Run a WebOS From Your S60 Browser

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 18, 2007

I am not a very WebOS person, however I am open to trying out new applications. Anuj from the N95 Community mentioned running Glide, a WebOS on the N95 I decided to give it a shot. Websites like Google are doing a pretty decent job syncing our content over the web through various applications like calender being accessible on the mobile. However a WebOS promises a complete experience and well, delivers in some cases!


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Posted in Applications, Eseries, Ideas, N81, N82, N95 8GB, Nokia, Nokia N95, Reviews, Symbian | Tagged: , , , | 6 Comments »

QWERTY Nseries Device In The Making?

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 17, 2007

Nseries QWERTY?

Unwired view has just brought to light this new Nokia triple slide patent called called “A layered mobile device”, which has a dedicated QWERTY keyboard, T9 keys and dedicated multimedia control keys. With the Nseries already not really known for build quality I have serious doubts about this device considering the sheer ammount to moving parts. But if Nokia can get the build quality on this thing right, boy we’d have one hell of a ‘multimedia computer’.

There’s nothing to say that this is going to be a Nseries device, but the multimedia keys sure make it seem like one. Ricky has been wanting a Nseries QWERTY, may be this is it?

Via: Intomobile

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Brief: Nokia Map Loader & Maps Updated

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 15, 2007

Nokia Map Loader v 1.3

Anuj from the Nokia N95 Community on Orkut reports that the Nokia Map Loader has been updated to version 1.3 and the maps have also got an update. While the Indian map data has only increased from 19.7 MB to 21.1 MB, China it seems has gotten a big upgrade and is now upto 190 MB. In case you spot a change, do drop a comment.


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Posted in Announcements, Eseries, GPS, News, Nokia, Nseries | Tagged: , , | 2 Comments »

How To Protect Files On Your S60 Device

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 8, 2007

Password Protected!Password Protected!Password Protection 

This is probably the most frequently asked question, ever! Everybody has certain photos, videos, songs and all sorts of other files which we want to hide from another person. Fortunately there are several 3rd party applications what allow us to do that, but unfortunately they are paid for!

However there are two ways in which you can not only hide files from the Gallery but also password protect them and the best part is that these methods cost nothing. In this post I will go over both of them.

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Posted in Applications, Eseries, Miscellaneous, N81, N82, N95 8GB, Nokia, Nokia N95, Nseries, Symbian, Tutorials | Tagged: , , , , , | 3 Comments »

Full YouTube On Your S60 v3 Device!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 7, 2007

Youtube On S60 

Yes, you read it correctly! You can now have access to any and I mean any video on youtube or any other flash video based website. There is no longer a need for converters or portals like or the youtube mobile site. Forget them all!

Update: Forget all of this, just look up this post. It is a fully featured YouTube client with no effort involved.

Update: RotateMe wizard Samir has meanwhile released a Youtube player that lets you search for youtube videos and playthen directly on the phone. There’s just one glitch in the beta, you can only search for one word! Really worth a shot. Look here.

In this guide I will list out a few easy steps which will allow you to do so.


1. Flash Lite 3 (Freeware) – Download! (Download if have registered at Adobe Labs or get it after registering from here)

2. Opera – Download!

3. CNPDA Flash Player (Freeware) – Download!

4. A S60v3 Phone e.g. N95, N93, N73, N83, N81, E90, E70 and so on.

Once the above is done with, lets start:

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Posted in Applications, Eseries, Ideas, Miscellaneous, N81, N82, N95 8GB, Nokia, Nokia N95, Symbian, Tutorials | Tagged: , , , , | 13 Comments »

Nokia Care Centers

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 6, 2007

Nokia Care - Cares?

Nokia is a great company who listens to its customers, granted! But it appears as if the people who are listening are only part of the R&D team. Making and selling the phone is just one part of the deal, after sales service is a big factor in consumer satisfaction and sadly here is where there seem to be a few holes which need to be plugged immediately.  

I recently got a mail from SV from over at, about a series that he’s running called Nokia Care Nightmares trying to get feedback from people all around the globe who have had a not so pleasing experiences visiting these centers. Mail your nightmares to or use this form to submit your story. Do include the location of the care center you are talking about. Let’s hope Nokia will respond after reading few of our stories! Below are a few of my thoughts.

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