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Archive for the ‘Rumours’ Category

The N96 – Why A N9x Phone?

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 22, 2007

The N96

Its has been 24 hours since the N96 has been leaked and it has managed to generate quite a bit of buzz around the web. I saw the news yesterday but had an exam in the morning so couldn’t really spend time on the device. Since then I have a lot of questions in my mind, even had them bothering me while I was writing the exam! But lets start with what we know about the device or at least think we know:

– Music Centered Device based on the N81-N95 combine.
– A 5MP Camera with dual LEDs and no lens cover.
– Feature Pack 2.
– 2.6/2.8″ Screen. ( I hope is 2.8″)
– All features of the N95 and the audio quality of the N91 plus noise cancellation and 16GB storage may be.
– A provision to make it stand for video consumption.
– A card slot for even more memory!
More shots of the device here.

Now here’s what I think.

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Posted in N96, Nokia, Nseries, Rumours, Symbian | Tagged: , , | 2 Comments »

N90 Marries The N95 – New Nseries Slider!

Posted by vaibhavlaw on December 3, 2007

New Nseries Slider? 

Generally with the Nseries range of phones we are always waiting for a device which is on its way well in advance. However after the N82 coming out there is nothing to look forward to but speculation and here is some music to our ears.

Unwired View has dug up a patent application on the USPTO site that  reveals a 6/8 Megapixel NSeries slider phone which looks like a cross between the N90 and the N95. This device in addition to a rotateable cameraon the top, also has a retractable flash assembly, which allows to hide/expose the phone flash within the body of the device.

If you look at enlarged shots of the figures in the patent application, it looks like there’s a label saying 6 megapixel on the phone, it could be 8 too but I think its 6.

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Posted in Miscellaneous, Nseries, Rumours, Symbian | Tagged: , , | 7 Comments »